Solution Journal

1. Define the development environment

Category Details
Programming Language Python 3.12+
Python IDE PyCharm Community Edition
Code style PEP-8, Google Doc Strings
Linting PyCharm built-in linter
Testing Pytest
Version Control Git
Git Hosting GitHub
CI/CD GitHub Actions
Documentation GitHub Pages, MkDocs

2. Validate the data from the problem statement

Let's first check if the given numbers are correct. As QA engineer, the data given is never trusted ;)

  1. Is the length of random_nums and probabilities equal?
  2. Is the sum of probabilities equal to 1?
  3. Are all probabilities positive?

A manual check is enough for this task.

  1. Yes, the length of random_nums and probabilities is equal.
  2. Yes, the sum of probabilities is equal to 1.
  3. Yes, all probabilities are positive.

We can proceed with the implementation.

3. Questions, questions and more questions

We don't have any information on how the data is generated, for example, how many samples were taken to get the given distribution. Typically, this may lead to skewed results due to under-sampling.

The given distribution doesn't seem to be a binomial distribution...


... or a Poisson distribution.


Visually, our distribution looks like a skewed custom distribution.


We will assume that the given distribution is correct and proceed with the implementation. We will test our implementation with a large number of samples for fairness using the Chi-Squared test.

4. Proof of concept

import random

class RandomGen(object):

  def __init__(self, random_nums, probabilities):
    self._random_nums = random_nums
    self._probabilities = probabilities

  def next_num(self):
    return random.choices(self._random_nums, self._probabilities)[0]


  1. Do we have constraints regarding the compatibility with older versions of Python? -> use contaiers
  2. Are we allowed to use external libraries for statistical tests and visualization? -> yes, the Chi-Square CDF is very complex for this task

5. Brainstorm the system design

We will implement two classes, one using random.choices and the other using random.random. We will provide an abstract class to be used as an interface for both classes. It will also decouple implementation from client code.


A sample of the API design is shown below:

# Create a random number generator
rg = (
    .set_random_nums([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3])
    .set_probabilities([0.01, 0.3, 0.58, 0.1, 0.01])

# Get a random number
num = rg.next_num()
print("Random number is: ", num)
 # Create a hypothesis test

 random_numbers = random.
 hypothesis = (
     .set_probabilities([0.01, 0.3, 0.58, 0.1, 0.01])

 # Hypothesis is True if the distribution is fair
 print("Hypothesis is: ", hypothesis)
 # Create a histogram object
 histogram = (

 # Print the histogram

Typically, at this stage the client shall approve the design, and we can proceed with the prototype implementation.

6. Implement the core prototype

We will implement the following classes:

  1. RandomGenAbc: An abstract class to be used as an interface.
  2. RandomGenV1: A class using random.choices.
  3. RandomGenV2: A class using random.random.
  4. Histogram: A helper class that creates a simple histogram object.
  5. ChiSquaredTest: A helper class to perform the Chi-Squared test.

7. Implement the REST API with Flask

We will implement a simple REST API using Flask to access the solution. The API will have the following endpoints:

  1. /api/v1/randomgen?number: Returns a number of random numbers based on the random.random method.
  2. /api/v2/randomgen?number: Returns a number of random numbers based on the random.choice method.
  3. /api/v1/config: An optional endpoint to configure the random numbers and probabilities.

8. Manual Integration tests

The following problems arised during the manual's integration tests:

  1. Rounding errors: Using older versions of Python yield rounding errors. Round the probabilities to 3 decimal places.

  2. Fairness: The Chi-Squared test is not fair in case the number of samples is low. The distribution is fair when the number of random values is above 50.

  3. Interface We need to simplify the ChiSquaredTest class to make it more user-friendly. Define method calculate that will the chi-squared, p-value and the degrees of freedom.

  4. Configuration: We will allow the user to configure its own distribution using the parameters numbers and probabilities as defined in the problem statement.

9. Refactor the backend after the manual tests

Randomgen classes API:

from randomgen.core import RandomGenV1

# Create a random number generator
rg = (
   .set_numbers([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3])
   .set_expected_probabilities([0.01, 0.3, 0.58, 0.1, 0.01])

# Get a random number
num = rg.next_num()
print("Random number is: ", num)

ChiSquaredTest API:

from randomgen.hypothesis import ChiSquareTest

# Create a hypothesis test
random_numbers = random.
hypothesis = (
  .set_probabilities([0.01, 0.3, 0.58, 0.1, 0.01])

# Hypothesis is True if it is accepted
print("Hypothesis is: ", hypothesis.test())

Histogram API:

from randomgen.helpers import Histogram

# Create a histogram object
histogram = (

# Print the histogram

10. Implement unit tests for the backend

Functional tests

We will implement unit tests for the Backend using Pytest. We will cover each class and method with unit tests to guarantee that the solution is working as expected.

The testing discovered some bugs in the implementation that are related to the validation of the input parameters.

Performance tests

We will implement performance tests to check the performance of the solution. We will use the maximum number of random numbers to check the performance of the solution. Manual testing showed that RandomGenV2 is around 3 times slower than RandomGenV1.

The task definition doesn't mention any performance requirements. We will assume that the solution should be fast enough to generate random numbers in a reasonable time. A reasonable time for the backend is around 50 msec, bearing in mind that the REST API is going to stack on it and add some latency.

11. Implement automated integration tests

The integration tests showed that we need to wrap the exceptions by the backend and return a well-defined HTTP status code.

12. Refactor the webserver after the integration tests

First, we will refactor the webserver to return a well-defined HTTP status code. We will also add a configuration endpoint to allow the user to configure the bins and probabilities of a custom distribution histogram.

The response format will be also improved for better readability.

    "numbers": [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
    "quality": {
      "chi_square_test": {
        "chi_square": 44.4333333333333,
        "df": 1,
        "is_fair": 0,
        "p_value": 2.63168375980172e-11
      "expected_histogram": {
        "-1": 0.01,
        "0": 0.3,
        "1": 0.58,
        "2": 0.1,
        "3": 0.01
      "observed_histogram": {
        "0": 0.2,
        "1": 0.8
    "version": 1

13. Feedback from a beta tester

The beta tester found the solution to be working as expected. The tester was happy we provided an interface to configure the app using the REST API.

Some issues were found regarding the interface of the ChiSquaredTest class. The tester recommended simplifying the interface to make it more user-friendly. The naming of the methods must also be improved. The tester recommended renaming the methods (e.g. calc() instead of calculate() or test()).

The tester had some difficulties understanding the method chaining This opens a new conceptional question about the design.

As a thum of rule, we will use the method chaining for methods that initialize the internal state and then just access the internal state using properties. Producing or consuming methods shall not be chained.

14. Refactor the backend after the feedback

  • We will refactor the ChiSquaredTest class to make it more user-friendly.
  • We will rename the test() method to calc() and remove some methods
  • We need to replace is fair with is null
  • Encapsulate the internal state of the class as per requirements

After the changes, the unittests showed that the solution is working as expected. The server was also tested manually and the results were as expected.

15. Docstrings

Now it is time to add docstrings to the classes and methods. We will use the Google Docstring format. The docstrings will be used to generate the API manual.

16. Containerize the solution

We will distribute the solution as a container. The application will consist of a flask server that will implement a simple API to access the random generator. The container will guarantee that the solution will run on any machine that has Docker installed.


  • No dockerfile optimizations (e.g. multi-stage builds)
  • No memory or cpu limits (with docker compose)
  • No persistent storage required
  • Choose a base image that is small and secure (e.g. alpine)
  • Use a .dockerignore file to exclude unnecessary files
  • Use digests to guarantee the integrity of the image
  • The application will run on port 8080
  • The application is not exposed to the internet (no need for HTTPS)

17. Final code review

The final code review showed that the solution is working as expected. The solution is well-documented, and the code is clean and readable. The solution is ready for deployment.

18. Documentation

We will use MkDocs to build the documentation. The documentation will be deployed to GitHub Pages. The documentation will contain at least the following sections:

  1. Problem
  2. Solution
  3. Installation
  4. Rest API

19. Create the CI/CD pipeline

We will create a GitHub Actions workflow to run the tests on every push to the main branch. We will also create a GitHub Actions workflow to build and push the Docker image to Docker Hub on every release.

What we want:

  1. Run the tests on every push to the main branch.
  2. Build and push the Docker image to Docker Hub on each push.
  3. Build the documentation and deploy it to GitHub Pages on every release.

20. Tag the first increment

Till now, we were in the pre-development phase. After the tag, changes will be tracked using concrete issues in the commit messages.