
1—Medium : Django models

Connect the Django models to the builder logic and store the data in the database

2—Low: Django views

Experiment with class-based views, redirecting, etc.

3—High: Multiprocessing Logging

Resolve issue with the unit tests, change the logging solution to pure queue and then save the log in the main process or migrate to concurrent.futures

4—Low: Dataclasses

Convert the WallConfigurator to a dataclass

5—Low: Django project and app names

Check how to change project and app names in Django without breaking the project

6—Low: Multi-container solutions

Check complex multi-container Django solutions and how to manage them

7—Medium: Django Rest Framework

Enable the browsable API from the Django rest framework

8—Low: GitHub Actions

Check the deprecated warnings for the github actions

9—Low: Django project structure

The solution might need a reorganization (check the best practices for Django)

10—Low: Docker volumes

Check how to allow users to share files with the container (volume, bind mounts, etc.). This could be relevant for the user to share the configuration files with the container.